The following videos give you the information needed to get you ready for your on boarding call.
Please watch each short video in numerical order and then take the action steps it mentions.

Step #1 - Welcome

In this video Kerrie welcomes you to the Back In Charge Blueprint.

Step #2 - The 3 O's

In this video I share with you what you can expect during your time in the Back In Charge Blueprint, and I also describe the concept of the 3 O's

Step #3 - Health Scorecard

We need to know where you are right now so then we can see if you are progressing.
Watch this video to find out about the Health Scorecard and how to complete it.


Step #4 - Download The App

Once you have completed your Health Scorecard it is time to download the app.
Find out in this video to gain access to it.

Step #5 - 3 Day Food Diary

This video will tell you HOW to take your 3 Day Food Diary, and WHERE you will upload it.

Step #6 - Taking Measurements

This video shares with you how you will take your starting measurements, whats parts of the body we are to be measured and also where you will upload these.

Step #7 - Taking Photos

In this video I share with you how the best way it is for you to take your progress photos and I explain the importance of these.

Step #8 - Community

Community is a powerful tool for us to tap into. In this video I share with you the importance of being in a community and also how you can gain access to the community we have in the Back In Charge Blueprint.


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