The following videos give you the information you need for this week in the Acceleration Phase.
Watch the videos as there are small tweaks that you can apply to your Exercise & Nutrition to really get get results in this part of the program.

Please watch each short video in numerical order and then take the next steps it mentions.

Step #1 - Introduction To Week 11

The end is in sight! DO NOT STOP NOW! In this video, I share what you need to do this week to keep moving forwards.

Step #2 - The Flip Flop Method

You will discover how the Flip Flop Method is used to bring awareness to your progressions and make sure you are moving forwards.

Step #3 - "The ScoreCard" Week 11

It is time to complete the scorecard for your last time in the program.


Step #4 -  Exercise & Nutrition Bolt-On

In this video I share with you what you need to do for your Exercise and Nutrition Bolt-On for for this week.

Step #5 - Referral Opportunity

This video shares the information about my referral program, and also how you can use it to propel you forwards with your own goals.


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