The following videos give you the information you need for this week in the Acceleration Phase.
Watch the videos as there are small tweaks that you can apply to your Exercise & Nutrition to really get get results in this part of the program.

Please watch each short video in numerical order and then take the next steps it mentions.

Step #1 - Introduction To Week 10

Welcome to week 10! Watch this video so you can get a brief understanding of what is needed this week.

Step #2 - The Future Self V2

This weeks module we start to stretch your vision and get you thinking past just the 12 weeks and also how you can start to replicate success in all areas by following a simple process.

Step #3 - "Future Self V2" Task

In this video I show you how to complete the Future Self V2 Module.


Step #4 - The Back In Charge Evening Routine Habit 4

In this video, I introduce you to the forth habit of the evening routine.

Step #5 - Exercise & Nutrition Bolt-On

This video shares the information needed for your exercise and nutrition for this week if you chose to accelerate in this phase

Step #6 - You Body Is Your Vehicle  BONUS

This bonus training brings awareness to how your health is key to your success in all areas of your life.


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